Terms & Conditions

A. Ketentuan Pengembalian/Penukaran Produk
Produk yang dibeli di website ChimpanzeesOnline.com dapat dikembalikan apabila: 
  1. Produk yang diterima tidak sesuai dengan pesanan dalam hal:
    1. Model
    2. Warna
    3. Ukuran
    4. Jumlah
  2. Atau produk yang diterima dalam keadaan rusak (reject)
  3. Produk yang dikembalikan dalam kondisi seperti semula (seperti pada saat produk diterima), belum ditandai atau digunakan, belum dicuci, serta lengkap dengan hang tag, label harga, label size, dan label lainnya.
  4. Pembeli wajib memiliki rekaman video saat membuka paket.
  5. Pembeli membuat Laporan Pengembalian Produk selambat-lambatnya 3 x 24 jam setelah produk diterima dari pihak jasa pengiriman. Jika melebihi dari waktu yang ditentukan, maka pengembalian tidak dapat diproses.
B. Cara Pengembalian/Penukaran Produk
  1. Laporan pengembalian produk dilakukan dengan menghubungi tim Customer Service kami melalui kontak Whatsapp yang tertera di website ChimpanzeesOnline.com
  2. Setelah produk tiba di gudang PT. Artha Buana Globalindo, kami akan mengecek produk yang dikembalikan apakah sesuai dengan keluhan yang disampaikan. 
  3. Kami akan menyampaikan konfirmasi hasil pengecekan paling lambat 5 hari kerja melalui Whatsapp:
    1. Jika kondisi barang sudah sesuai dengan “Ketentuan Pengembalian/Penukaran Produk”, maka:
      1. Jika masih ada stock pengganti sesuai pesanan yang dipesan, dan pembeli menyetujui, maka kami akan mengirimkan barang pengganti.
      2. Jika tidak ada stock pengganti atau pembeli tidak menginginkan penggantian, maka kami akan melakukan pengembalian dana (refund) sesuai dengan yang sudah dibayarkan, selambat-lambatnya 14 hari kerja.
    2. Jika kondisi barang tidak sesuai dengan “Ketentuan Pengembalian/Penukaran Produk”, maka kami tidak akan memproses penggantian barang atau pengembalian dana, dan produk akan kami kembalikan kepada pembeli.
  4. Biaya jasa pengiriman/kurir dari pengembalian/penukaran produk ini sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab kami.
C. Pengembalian Dana (Refund)
  1. Pengembalian dana dilakukan selambat-lambatnya 14 hari kerja terhitung sejak konfirmasi hasil pengecekan pengembalian barang oleh customer service kami.
  2. Metode pengembalian dana akan diinformasikan oleh customer service kami.


Penukaran size dari produk yang dibeli di website ChimpanzeesOnline.com dapat dilakukan dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
  1. Produk yang dikembalikan dalam kondisi seperti semula (seperti pada saat produk diterima), belum ditandai atau digunakan, belum dicuci, serta lengkap dengan hang tag, label harga, label size, dan label lainnya.
  2. Penukaran dilakukan hanya untuk model/atikel yang sama
  3. Penukaran bisa dilakukan jika stok model/artikel yang dimaksud masih tersedia
  4. Penukaran dilakukan dengan menghubungi customer service kami melalui Whatsaap dan dilakukan selambat-lambatnya 3 x 24 jam sejak produk diterima dari pihak jasa pengiriman. Jika melebihi dari waktu yang ditentukan, maka penukaran tidak dapat diproses.
  5. Penukaran bisa diproses setelah kami menerima produk dari pembeli.
  6. Biaya jasa pengiriman/kurir dari penukaran size ini sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab pembeli.


A. Terms of Product Return/Exchange
Products purchased on the ChimpanzeesOnline.com website can be returned if:
  1. The product received does not match the order in terms of: 
    1. Model
    2. Colour
    3. Size
    4. Quantity
    5. Or, if the product received is damaged/rejected
    6. Returned product must still be in its original condition (as when the product was received), has not been marked or used, has not been washed, and is complete with its hang tags, price tags, size tags, and other labels.
    7. Customers must record the unboxing video of the package.
    8. Product return reports are to be made no later than 3 x 24 hours after the product is received from the couriers. If it exceeds the specified time, then the return cannot be processed.
      B. How to Return/Exchange Products
      1. Product return reports are made by contacting our Customer Service team via the Whatsapp contact listed on the ChimpanzeesOnline.com website
      2. After the product has arrived at the warehouse of PT. Artha Buana Globalindo, we will check its condition and verify with the claim that has been submitted.
      3. We will confirm the verification results no later than 5 working days via Whatsapp:
        1. If the condition of the goods is in accordance with the "Product Return/Exchange Terms", then:
          1. If there is still a replacement stock for the originally ordered goods, and the customer agrees, then we will send the replacement.
          2. If there is no replacement stock or the customer refuses replacement, then we will process a refund according to the amount paid, no later than 14 working days.
          3. If the condition of the item returned does not comply with the "Product Return/Exchange Terms", then we will not process the replacement of the item or refund, and the product will be sent back to the customer.
        2. The cost of shipping/courier services from returning/exchanging this product is entirely our responsibility.

          C. Refund
          1. Refunds will be made no later than 14 working days after the confirmation of returned product inspection is informed by our customer service
          2. The refund method will be informed by our customer service

          Size exchange of products purchased on the ChimpanzeesOnline.com website must follow the following conditions:
          1. The returned product is still in its original condition (as when the product was received), has not been marked or used, has not been washed, and is complete with its hang tags, price tags, size labels, and other labels.
          2. Exchanges can be made for the same model/article only.
          3. Exchanges can be made only if the stock of the model/article in question is still available
          4. Exchange is done by contacting our customer service via WhatsApp and is carried out no later than 3x24 hours since the product is received from the courier. If it exceeds the specified time, then the exchange cannot be processed.
          5. Exchange will be processed after we received the product from the customer
          6. The cost of shipping from exchanging the product is entirely the responsibility of the customer